Chenghuangmiao, known today as the Yuyuan Garden Market and located next to the Yuyuan Garden, was built in the fifteenth century during the Ming Dynasty. Originally a temple built to honor the Han statesman Huo Guang (68 B.C.) and temple fairs were held in this Taoist temple on special days.

Gradually the permanent temple market was formed, encompassing the Yuyuan Garden and the Zigzag Bridge. There is an authentic local flavor about this busy market area specializing in traditional arts and crafts, where the locals preserved their unique life styles and customs. Outside, however, it still looks like a temple
Gods inside templeMain God in templeLocals lighting inscence to offer the god and prayThe inscence Table where locals place the inscence before for prayersInside temple with a worshiper.
Shanghai Chenghuang Temple ( Temple Market ): over 100 shops and restaurants in the market.
Shanghai Yuyuan Gardens